Story Points:
- WordPress Assistance → 2 Story Point / hour
- Web Design → 2 Story Point / hour
- WordPress Development → 2 Story Point / hour
- Expert WordPress Development → 4 Story Points / hour
- Expert Consulting → 4 Story Points / hour
Monthly Maintenance Plans:
- 1000$ → 40 Story Points → 25$ / Story Point
- 300$ → 10 Story Points → 30$ / Story Point
Pricing and Rules
A. Time Allocation:
- Bulk Task or Questions: You will have a dedicated 1 hour session to address multiple tasks or questions efficiently.
- WordPress Assistance, Web Design, WordPress Development -> these can be used as 1 Story Point for 30 minutes.
- Expert WordPress Development, Expert Consulting -> these can be used as 1 Story Point for 15 minutes.
B. Pricing:
- The price for each task or question is based on Story Points.
- The rate is $30 per Story Point.
- This pricing structure applies only if you are an active participant on a monthly
- maintenance plan.
C. Story Points Validity:
- Story Points remain valid for a maximum of 2 months on the maintenance plan.
- For example, if you purchase a maintenance plan and make payment on March 15, 2023, any unused Story Points from that month will expire on May 15, 2023.
D. Individual Maintenance Plans:
- Each website is enrolled in an individual monthly maintenance plan.
- It is not possible to take a maintenance plan for a set of websites as each requires its own dedicated plan.
- Please note that adhering to the maintenance plan ensures access to allocated time and support for your website.
E. Large Project Benefits:
WordPress Development for larger projects with a substantial utilization of Story
Points offers the following benefits:
- 20 Story Points used per week → 20% discount
- 40 Story Points used per week → 30% discount
- 10 hours of WordPress Development (20 Story Points worth) will cost 16 Story Points instead of 20.
- 20 hours of WordPress Development (40 Story Points worth) will cost 28 Story Points instead of 40.
- 40 Story Points of WordPress Development + 10 Story Points of Expert WordPress Development will equal a total cost of: 38 Story Points instead of 50 Story Points. This means the client pays the final amount of 1140$ instead of 1500$.
Rules & Info:
Please take into consideration the information below:
- How It Works: A pre-allocation of work is vital. The work should be allocated one week in advance, and the project estimate needs to be at least 20 Story Points, specifically for WordPress Development, excluding any combination with Expert Development.
- Action Plan Commitment: To receive the proposed discounts, a commitment to using accumulated Story Points within a week is necessary. This commitment can either be a full website build or specific development. If 20 Story Points are spent in a week without a prior usage commitment, the discount will not apply. Our experts, Robert Rusu and Andrei Remetean will verify the appropriate application of this discount.
- Expert Development Consideration: While we continue to provide Expert WordPress Development services, it’s important to note that, due to capacity considerations, discounts on these services will not be applicable for larger volumes of work.
- Resource Allocation Focus: Our development team has found that WordPress Development typically accounts for 60-80% of Story Points in large projects. We assure our clients that our streamlined processes ensure an optimal balance between quality and cost-effectiveness, providing the best results for your business.